Our Ministries
Sista2Sista Ministry
The Leventon Chapel Sista2Sista Ministry allows older and younger sisters an opportunity for Christian fellowship. Our goal is to unite, in the spirit of love, to encourage and support one another. Sisters can connect on various topics and testimonies of faith that unify the body of Christ. With an added dose of hugs and laughter, Sista2Sista serves as time of spiritual refreshing to empower the total woman, body and soul!
Brotherhood Ministry
The Brotherhood Ministry is comprised of Kingdom-minded men who are committed to the mission of the church. As faith leaders, husbands, fathers and sons, the Brotherhood Ministry serves as a catalyst for developing fruitful men that love the Lord with all their heart. Rooted in the gospel of Jesus Christ, this fellowship seeks to strengthen the bonds of brotherhood in all of the men at Leventon Chapel. Our ultimate goal is to equip men to fulfill their role as watchmen over their homes, their church, community, region, and nation.
Youth Ministry
The Youth Ministry is an essential element of any church. They are the future church and therefore, it is important that solid, Christian values are instilled in them at a young age to help develop them spiritually. Leventon’s Youth Ministry is comprised of two jointly associated groups: the Sunshine Band – youth ranging from toddlers to 12 years of age and the Young People Christian League(YPCL) beginning with teens through early adulthood. To equip them for God’s service, all Youth are encouraged to exercise their god-given talents, musically or vocally in addition to being active participants in the worship service.
Senior Ministry
The senior population has a strong presence in Leventon Chapel. These Super Seniors are servants of grace and still bearing fruit as they grow older. They are honored annually during Senior Citizens Day, enjoy special privileges and showered with tokens of love throughout the year. Their wisdom, knowledge and guidance will enrich lives for generations to come.
Scholarship Committee
The mission of the Scholarship Committee is to support, promote and encourage the educational pursuits and goals of individuals in our church with scholarships. The scholarship committee supports eligible high school graduates who desire to continue their formal education at a trade, vocational or technical school; college or university, of their choice. The criteria is for the student to be enrolled full time, active in the ministry of the church and must submit an application during their 2nd semester/Spring semester of enrollment.
New Member Ministry
The New Member Ministry is designed to ensure that all New Members make a smooth and comfortable transition into their new Church family. We specialize in making sure that every possible resource is available to our New Members as they pursue their Divine Destiny in Leventon Chapel.
Van Ministry
The Transportation Ministry’s purpose is to provide transportation for Members and non-Members that would like to attend services held at Leventon Chapel. It is our desire to provide accommodations for members to accompany the Pastor and the church to outside fellowships and various engagements.
Kitchen Committee
The Kitchen Committee will minister to the church family and community by directing the planning, preparing, and serving of meals and snacks for various events, i.e., special fellowship meals, funerals, and other scheduled affairs. It will coordinate with outside vendors and patrons to ensure the facility is maintained according to established guidelines.
Floral Ministry
The Floral Ministry provides floral designs to those that are hospitalized, homebound or in extended care facilities and to bereaved members. Additionally, the floral ministry provides beautification for the church during holidays, special services, and other observances throughout the year.
Foreign Mission
A ministry designed to make the church aware of the needs of mankind around the world. It provides opportunities to reach out to other nations by financial means, volunteer work and individuals who may volunteer to go to foreign lands to work in ministry for an appointed time.
Home Mission
A ministry designed to help members of the church, individuals or groups within the churches community, materialistically, financially and spiritually. We provide resources for in-depth mission and evangelism education; promote a holistic method to missions augmented by a hands-on approach.
Hospitality Committee
Serves to “Welcome” visitors and members to the Church during Sunday morning service. The Committee provides visitor packets to first-time guests and follow up with acknowledgment letters.
Caring Card Ministry
Provides get well cards and condolence cards to members and community that are sick and to those who have bereavement in their family.
Helping Hand Ministry
This ministry provides a small, nominal benevolence to members that experience the loss of a loved one. Its primary purpose is to lend a helping hand during their grief.
The Music Ministry
Serves the purposes of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encouraging believers in their walk with Christ, leading the congregation in worship and providing an avenue through which individuals may share their gift and be an integral part of the worship experience. The Music Ministry spreads the Word of God through musical expressions.
Nurses Ministry
The Nurses Ministry assists the Pastor and congregation by providing aid and a caring presence, dedicating their services to the wellbeing and comfort of the church membership, within the limitations of their medical training. The Nurses Ministry is designed to meet the needs of the Pastor and the Church body. They are trained to assist with the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of the church community.
Sight & Sound Ministry
The Sight and Sound Ministry is the technical branch of our ministry. This ministry is committed to making sure that all technical aspects of our worship service are of the best quality.
Usher Ministry
The Ushers Ministry, to include the Youth Ushers, assists members and visitors in finding seating in the sanctuary and overflow rooms. The Ushers also assist in setting the tone and atmosphere at the doors and on the floor, as well as control the traffic flow in/out of the sanctuary, support pastoral staff and leadership during services, such as distributing handouts, delivering messages, etc. Ushers work in conjunction with the Deacons to maintain reverence in the sanctuary worship areas and lobby.
Bible Church School
Bible Church School is a vital arm of the church designed to teach God’s word in a creative and learning environment. Sunday School classes are taught weekly for all age groups ranging from youth to adults. It is a lifelong biblical ministry with Vacation Bible School being one of its main components.